Hevad Khan Poker


Hevad Khan Poker Game

Hevad Khan (born 1985 in Poughkeepsie, New York) is a member of Team PokerStars. Khan made the final table at the 2007 World Series of Poker Main Event, finishing in sixth place. Khan began on the competitive Starcraft Broodwar at the age of 13. Other StarCraft professionals include fellow Team. Well I don't know what he's been doing poker wise but Hevad has been playing the SC2 beta and sponsoring SC2 showmatches. The beta is down right now but when it was up you could often find him on the same ventrillo channel of some well known sc2 streamers sponsoring matches and chatting away about games and whatnot. Hevad Khan at WSOP 2007 Main Event. No one does celebrations quite like Hevad Khan. This outburst from the WSOP 2007 Main Event is one of his most bizarre – and that’s saying something! Love or hate him, he’s certainly entertaining.

Hevad Khan, an Internet poker pro from Poughkeepsie, N.Y., finished in sixth when his ace and queen of spades couldn't top a pair of jacks belonging to a surging Yang. Khan didn't seem. Hevad Khan, aka RainKhan. Who is RainKhan? RainKhan is a Team PokerStars member. Hevad Khan has made himself famous on the poker scene by his vibrant personality. Far from being shy, he is always noticeable and noticed wherever he sits. Sometimes so noticeable that they had to change the rules at the WSOP. What an achievement!

Lifetime Tournament Earnings (Live)

$2.5 million

Career Highlights

  • 6th place in the 2007 WSOP Main Event for $956k
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Hevad Khan is famous for his final table run in the 2007 WSOP Main Event. He charmed the TV cameras with his crazy celebrations and outgoing personality and survived a very memorable all-in situation with QQ against AA (video below). He started his poker career mass-multitabling sit & go’s. He claims to have played up to 100 tables at a time and that at one point he was actually asked to make a video of himself playing and send it to Full Tilt Poker in order to prove that he was an actual human and not a bot. Full bio.

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