Minecraft Inventory Slots Not Working
Two of my inventory slots aren't working properly, which are the top right corner, and three spots to the left of that one. Items will go into the slots, but I am unable to move them from that slot to use or discard them. This only started happening after my Minecraft crashed, though it may be unrelated. The avatar does not look at the mouse cursor like in the vanilla inventory tab. Managing inventory. In Galacticraft 3, items can be shift-clicked into and out of those slots, similar to using armor slots in vanilla Minecraft. Creative inventory. How do I make more slots in my inventory that I can put in? Mcreator 2020.5 is not working. MCreator is not an official Minecraft product. It is not approved. P.getInventory does not include the crafting slots; only the hotbar, inventory, armor and offhand slot. Thus slot 0-5 are not the crafting slots but instead the hotbar. E.getClickedInventory works though and returns the correct crafting inventory (slot 0-5).
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By Kemuri Senpai · Posted
I am catching Message send from Client and want to cancel it if it vontains some special words. This is fine. However, I also want to write text back to the player ( also Client Side ). Normally I use ´´´player.sendStatusMessage( new StringTextComponent('[ §1Place§r ] Set brightness to §4§l', brightness ), (false));´´´ But 'entity' is not returned by ClientChatEvent... So, how? (Minecraft 1.15.2)By Beethoven92 · Posted
I guess you would have to make your own custom recipe type for this..could you describe how your custom crafting system would work?By diesieben07 · Posted
1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.By Vinomakon · Posted
So, i wanted to change the sounds of minecraft and then I stumble upon a 'size' tag after the sound ID. 'minecraft/sounds/music/menu/menu1.ogg': {'hash': 'c157c56846f0e50620f808fecd9d069423dd6c41', 'size': 1744657} What does this actually mean? Does this mean the length of the sound?By MaxAnimator · Posted
Anyone? Help?
By Kemuri Senpai
StartedBy kiou.23
StartedBy Vinomakon
StartedBy MaxAnimator
StartedBy TK_4217
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I want to start off by extending a big thank you to everyone who helped with this update. Not only did our team do a lot of work, we had PLENTY of help from contributors. So thank you to everyone who helped make this update possible.
Below is a list of almost everything that was added/fixed/changed since 2.4.1. I left out issues which pertain to things that were broken along the way during the development of 2.5.

This update had a lot of new things added, but here are a few notable additions we thought you'd love to hear about.
We added a blockdata type, as well as expression for getting block data. BlockData is very similar to how you would set a block with the vanilla Minecraft /setblock
command. This allows users to better customize blocks in the world, without having to struggle figuring out the aliases they need. For more info see the BlockData Type and BlockData Expression in the docs.
Skript Info Command
We added an info sub-command to the /skript
command which will provide links to docs and aliases, and also includes Skript version, server version as well as installed addons (including their versions and websites). This will be super helpful in the future, when a user is asking for help, rather than having to ask them a bunch of questions about versions, you can simply say 'hey, could you please send me the output of /sk info
Minecraft 1.16
Minecraft Inventory Slots Not Working Games
We added all of the Minecraft 1.16 related stuff, including item/block aliases, entities, enchantment (just one), particles and biomes. We also added support for 1.16's HEX text colors.

- Added an effect and a condition for silencing entity sounds
- Added support for non-player entities to item pickup event
- Added location for block command senders
- Added recursive list size as an option to 'amount' expression
- Added an expression for toggling entity AI on and off
- Added an event for players propelling through air due to riptide enchantment
- Added a condition to check if entities are leashed
- Added more descriptive alternative syntax for 'blocking' condition
- Added an expression to get how long players have been online
- Added support for mooshroom variations
- Added an expression to get max durability of items
- Added different capitalization styles to 'case text'
- Added an effect and a condition for entity invulnerability
- Added syntaxes for Minecraft 1.14+ CustomModelData
- Added support for Paper's per-client view distance (not supported on all Paper versions)
- Added an expression to get all blocks destroyed by explosions
- Added a way to replace only first occurrance with replace effect
- Added an event value for selected hotbar button in inventory click events
- Added an event for armor changes
- Added support for taming entities
- Added an expression for counting characters in a string
- Added a way to convert unix timestamps to dates
- Added an event for sponge absorbing blocks
- Added support for item (tool or armor) damage
- Added an option to temp-ban players
- Added support for llamas in entity equip effect
- Added an expression to get/set number of arrows stuck in an entity
- Added an expression to get/set no damage ticks of entities
- Added support for creating fiery explosions within the explode effect
- Added syntax to replace existing potion effects
- Added syntax to get the entities in a chunk
- Added new line expression
- Added an effect and condition to change/check charged creepers
- Added some spawn reasons which were recently added to the Bukkit API
- Added explode creeper effect and ignition condition
- Added an expression to get all scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.
- Added a condition and expression for checking Redstone block power
- Added several syntaxes for enchanting events and their values
- Added Korean language support
- Added more preload functionality to the API for internal use and addon developers
- Added a ‘time since’ expression
- Added an expression for entity attributes
- Added an expression for entity fall distance
- Added several syntaxes relating to explosions
- Added syntaxes for world game rules
- Added the hit block event value to the on projectile hit event
- Added a heal reason type and expression to be used in the heal event
- Added a projectile collide event
- Added better handling of a stack overflow error
- Added an expression for first/last login of player
- Added a block fertilize event
- Added an effect to stop/restart the server
- Updated money expression to support offline player balances
Debug And Inventory Shortcuts Guide! : Minecraft
- Fixed asterisks not being allowed in expressions in variable names
- Fixed flickering fireworks not working
- Fixed 'all foxes' not actually referring to all foxes
- Fixed exceptions caused by passing invalid arguments to functions
- Fixed player-specific weather not being always set correctly
- Fixed random fish spawning not working
- Fixed some types not being parseable
- Fixed comparisons between entities and entity types with similarly named aliases
- Fixed parsing of overlapping syntaxes in comparisons
- Fixed numerous conditions, expressions, and events using ItemStack instead of ItemType
- Fixed exception error in replace effect
- Fixed damage effect not showing damage
- Fixed some tree types not working in grow tree effect
- Fixed experience spawn event firing more than once after script reloads
- Fixed an issue with damaging items throwing console errors
- Fixed an issue with reloading functions throwing errors
- Fixed an issue with the item damage event missing an event-item value
- Fixed an issue with
final damage
returning the same value asdamage
- Fixed an issue where setting a block would always set it to the default block state
- Fixed an issue with retrieving inventory names
- Fixed an issue with setting the player's tab list name
- Fixed an issue with spawning thrown potions
- Fixed an issue with spawning a dropped item of a specific item type
- Fixed an issue with level progress expression throwing errors
- Fixed an issue with teleporting ignoring yaw and pitch
- Fixed an issue with event-items
- Fixed an issue with default values in damage events
- Fixed an issue with event-value time states
- Fixed an issue with villager data in legacy versions causing issue to last spawned entity syntax
- Fixed an issue with ‘show inventory’ expression showing the wrong inventory
- Fixed a bug with
%number% of %itemtype%
expression - Fixed an issue with the
is between
condition not comparing when the first number is larger than the latter - Fixed an issue with not being able to parse experience
- Fixed an issue with filters throwing console errors
- Fixed an issue with some block datas not setting (ie: snow layers)
- Fixed an issue with setting item amount of inventory slots
- Fixed an issue with furnace slot expression not accounting for smoker and blast furnace
- Fixed an issue with not being able to compare some entities with a baby entity
- Fixed an issue with “item crack” particle not working
- Fixed an issue with custom inventories not actually returning an inventory
- Fixed an issue with data value expression not working on 1.12.2 and below
- Fixed an issue with
chunk is loaded
condition forcing chunks to load therefor always returning true - Fixed an issue with some entities returning their super type
- Fixed an issue with viewers of inventory expression only returning a single value
- Fixed some issues with visual effects, namely offset issues and coloured dust particle issues
- Fixed an issue with the soft depends in the plugin.yml
- Fixed an issue with FAWE’s WorldGuard not working
- Fixed an issue with event-slot throwing errors when clicking outside of an inventory
- Fixed an issue with spawn egg aliases not working in 1.12.2