Difference Between Slots And Slats
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- Aviation Difference Between Slats And Slots
- Difference Between Slots And Slats
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A leading edge slot is basically a spanwise opening in the wing. Slats are aerodynamic surfaces in the leading edge, which when deployed, allows the wing to operate at higher angle of attack. When deployed, the slat opens up a slot between itself and the wing. The QS2 has slats that open or close automatically depending on the angle of attack and the air flow through the slat opening by pivoting on the bolts that attach them to the tabs. They said these were patterned after the Helio Currier. They also use VG's on the wing just behind the slat opening.
secondary flight controls
In addition to primary flight controls, most airplanes have another group called secondary controls. These include trim devices of various types and wing flaps. The trim devices are adjusted so that the aircraft remains balanced in flight.
Flaps are moveable surfaces on the trailing edge of the wing similar in shape to the ailerons. they are usually larger in surface area. They are located on inboard end if the wing next to the fuselage. Both sides are activated together so they do not produce a rolling action like the ailerons.Flaps are usually deployed in 'degree' increments. In small aircraft deployment is usually in 10 degree increments from zero degrees (non-deployed) to 40 degrees maximum. Larger or more sophisticated aircraft may have a different range of settings. Normally, the flaps operate electrically through a 4 or 5 position switch located on the instrument panel. In earlier aircraft the flaps were operated using a manual flap handle.
Deployment of flaps increases both the lift and drag of the wing. Flap activation increases the angle of attack across the wing / flap section. At 10 degrees, more lift than drag is produced. As the flap angle is increased more drag and less lift is produced for each increment of deployment.
The primary use of flaps is in landing. They permit a steeper decent without increase in airspeed. Flaps may be used in certain take-off situations (usually 10°) on short or soft fields.
Flaps are now fitted to most aircraft because:
They permit a slower landing speed, which decreases the required landing distance.
They permit a comparatively steep angle of descent without an increase in speed. This makes it possible to safely clear obstacles when making a landing approach to a small field.
They may also be used to shorten the takeoff distance and provide a steeper climb path.
This term describes the maximum velocity at which flaps can be deployed. The VFE is shown on the air speed indicator as the top end of the white arc.
Flaps are high lift devices which, in effect, increase the camber of the wing and, in some cases, as with the Fowler Flap, also increase the effective wing area. Their use gives better take-off performance and permits steeper approach angles and lower approach and landing speeds.
When deflected, flaps increase the upper camber of the wing, increasing the negative pressure on the top of the wing. At the same time, they allow a build up of pressure below the wing. During take-off, flap settings of 10 degrees to 20 degrees are used to give better take-off performance and a better angle of climb, especially valuable when climbing out over obstacles.
However, not all airplane manufacturers recommend the use of flaps during take-off. They can be used only on those airplanes, which have sufficient take-off power to overcome the extra drag that extended flaps produce. The recommendations of the manufacturer should, therefore, always be followed.

Flaps do indeed increase drag. The greater the flap deflection. the greater the drag. At a point of about half of their full travel, the increased drag surpasses the increased lift and the flaps become air brakes. Most flaps can be extended to 40 degrees from the chord of the wing. At settings between 20 degrees and 40 degrees, the essential function of the flaps is to improve the landing capabilities, by steepening the glide without increasing the glide speed. In an approach over obstacles, the use of flaps permits the pilot to touch down much nearer the threshold of the runway. Flaps also permit a slower landing speed and act as air brakes when the airplane is rolling to a stop after landing, thus reducing the need for excessive braking action. As a result, there is less wear on the undercarriage, wheels and tires. Lower landing speeds also reduce the possibility of ground looping during the landing roll.
Plain and split flaps increase the lift of a wing, but at the same time, they greatly increase the drag. For all practical purposes, they are of value only in approach and landing. They should not normally be employed for take-off because the extra drag reduces acceleration.
Slotted flaps, on the other hand, including such types as Fowler and Zap, produce lift in excess of drag and their partial use is therefore recommended for take-off.
From the standpoint of aerodynamic efficiency, the Fowler Flap is generally considered to offer the most advantages and the fewest disadvantages, especially on larger airplanes, while double slotted flaps have won wide approval for smaller types.
On STOL airplanes, a combination of double slotted flaps and leading edge slats are common.
Changes in flap setting affect the trim of an airplane. As flaps are lowered, the centre of pressure moves rearward creating a nose down, pitching moment. However, in some airplanes, the change in airflow over the tailplane as flaps are lowered, is such that the total moment created is nose up and it becomes necessary to trim the airplane 'nose down'.
The airplane is apt to lose considerable height when the flaps are raised. At low altitudes, therefore, the flaps should be raised cautiously.
Most airplanes are placarded to show a maximum speed above which the flaps must not be lowered. The flaps are not designed to withstand the loads imposed by high speeds. Structural failure may result from severe strain if the flaps are selected 'down' at higher than the specified speed.
When the flaps have been lowered for a landing, they should not ordinarily be raised until the airplane is on the ground. If a landing has been missed, the flaps should not be raised until the power has been applied and the airplane has regained normal climbing speed. It is then advisable to raise the flaps in stages.
How much flap should be used in landing? Generally speaking, an airplane should be landed as slowly as is consistent with safety. This usually calls for the use of full flaps. The use of flaps affects the wing airfoil in two ways. Both lift and drag are increased. The Increased lift results in a lower stalling speed and permits a lower touchdown speed. The increased drag permits a steeper approach angle without increasing airspeed. The extra drag of full flaps results in a shorter landing roll.
An airplane that lands at 50 knots with full flaps selected may have a landing speed as fast as 70 knots with flaps up. If a swerve occurs during the landing roll, the centrifugal force unleashed at 70 knots is twice what it would be at 50 knots, since centrifugal force increases as the square of the speed. It follows then, that a slower landing speed reduces the potential for loss of control during the landing roll. It also means less strain on the tires, brakes and landing gear and reduces fatigue on the airframe structure.
There are, of course, factors, which at times call for variance from the procedure of using full flaps on landing. These factors would include the airplane's all-up-weight, the position of the C.G., the approach path to landing, the desired rate of descent and any unfavourable wind conditions, such as a strong cross wind component, gusty winds and extreme turbulence. With experience, a
pilot learns to assess these various factors as a guide to flap selection.
In some airplanes, in a crosswind condition, the use of full flap may be inadvisable. Flaps present a greater surface for the wind to act upon when the airplane is rolling on the ground. The wing on the side from which the wind is blowing will tend to rise. In addition, cross wind acting on full flaps increases the weather vaning tendencies, although in an airplane with very effective rudder control even at slow speeds, the problem is not so severe. However, in many airplanes, the selection of full flaps deflects the airflow from passing over the empennage, making the elevator and rudder surfaces ineffective. Positive control of the airplane on the ground is greatly hampered. Since maintaining control of the airplane throughout the landing roll is of utmost importance, it may be advisable to use less flaps in cross wind conditions. In any case, it is very important to maintain the crosswind correction throughout the landing roll.
trim tabsA trim tab is a small, adjustable hinged surface on the trailing edge of the aileron, rudder, or elevator control surfaces. Trim tabs are labour saving devices that enable the pilot to release manual pressure on the primary controls.
Some airplanes have trim tabs on all three control surfaces that are adjustable from the cockpit; others have them only on the elevator and rudder; and some have them only on the elevator. Some trim tabs are the ground-adjustable type only.
The tab is moved in the direction opposite that of the primary control surface, to relieve pressure on the control wheel or rudder control. For example, consider the situation in which we wish to adjust the elevator trim for level flight. ('Level flight' is the attitude of the airplane that will maintain a constant altitude.) Assume that back pressure is required on the control wheel to maintain level flight and that we wish to adjust the elevator trim tab to relieve this pressure. Since we are holding back pressure, the elevator will be in the 'up' position. The trim tab must then be adjusted downward so that the airflow striking the tab will hold the elevators in the desired position. Conversely, if forward pressure is being held, the elevators will be in the down position, so the tab must be moved upward to relieve this pressure. In this example, we are talking about the tab itself and not the cockpit control.
Rudder and aileron trim tabs operate on the same principle as the elevator trim tab to relieve pressure on the rudder pedals and sideward pressure on the control wheel, respectively.
The tabs are usually controlled by a wheel which is often situated on the floor between the two front seats. Some aircraft have the trim controlled by a small rocker switch on the control column. The aircraft should be trimmed after every change in attitude or power setting. It takes a little practice to trim an aircraft, but in the end it is done unconsciously.
other wing additions
The type of operation for which an airplane is intended has a very important bearing on the selection of the shape and design of the wing for that airplane. Wing fences, slots, slats, spoilers, speed brakes and flaps are additions to the wing that perform a variety of functions related to control of the boundary layer, increase of the planform area (thus affecting lift and drag) and reduction of aircraft velocity during landing and stopping.
wing fences
Wing fences are fin-like vertical surfaces attached to the upper surface of the wing, that are used to control the airflow. On swept wing airplanes, they are located about two-thirds of the way out towards the wing tip and prevent the drifting of air toward the tip of the wing at high angles of attack. On straight wing airplanes, they control the airflow in the flap area. In both cases, they give better slow speed handling and stall characteristics.
Slats are auxiliary airfoils fitted to the leading edge of the wing. At high angles of attack, they automatically move out ahead of the wing. The angle of attack of the slat being less than that of the mainplane, there is a smooth airflow over the slat which tends to smooth out the eddies forming over the wing. Slats are usually fitted to the leading edge near the wing tips to improve lateral control. The Socata Rallye is an example of a light aircraft that utilizes leading edge slats.
Difference Between Slots And Slats Games
Slots are passageways built into the wing a short distance from the leading edge in such a way that, at high angles of attack, the air flows through the slot and over the wing, tending to smooth out the turbulence due to eddies.
spoiler on an F4 Phantom wing
Spoilers are devices fitted to the wing which increase drag and decrease lift. They usually consist of a long narrow strip of metal arranged spanwise along the top surface of the airfoil. In some airplanes, they are linked to the ailerons and work in unison with the ailerons for lateral control. As such, they open on the side of the upgoing aileron, spoil the lift on that wing and help drive the wing down and help the airplane to roll into a turn.

In some airplanes, spoilers have replaced ailerons as a means of roll control. The spoiler moves only upward in contrast to the aileron that moves upward to decrease lift and downward to increase lift. The spoiler moves only up, spoiling the wing lift. By using spoilers for roll control, full span flaps can be used to increase low speed lift.
Spoilers can also be connected to the brake controls and. when so fitted, work symmetrically across the airplane for producing drag and destroying lift after landing, thereby transferring all the weight of the airplane to the wheels and making braking action more effective.
speed brakes
RF-84K Thunderflash speed brake
Aviation Difference Between Slats And Slots
Speed brakes are a feature on some high performance airplanes. They are a device designed to facilitate optimum descent without decreasing power enough to shock cool the engine and are especially advantageous in airplanes with high service ceilings. They are also of use in setting up the right approach speed and descent pattern in the landing configuration. The brakes, when extended, create drag without altering the curvature of the wing and are usually fitted far enough back along the chord so as not to disrupt too much lift and in a position laterally where they will not disturb the airflow over the tailplane. They are usually small metal blades housed in a fitting concealed in the wing that, when activated from the cockpit, pivot up to form a plate. On some types of aircraft, speed brakes are incorporated into the rear fuselage and consist of two hinged doors that open into the slipstream.
The difference between a classic slot and video slot is both the number of reels, paylines and bonus features. Classic slots closely resemble the “one-armed bandit’s” found in land-based casinos years ago. One armed bandit’s where the slot machines with a lever on the right side of the machine, later replaced by a spin button.
In online slots, classic slots are easily identifiable and normally feature three-reels and only a single payline. In most cases, the classic slots feature symbols such as golden bells, sevens, and fruit symbols while the paytable is displayed on the main screen. Apart from the visual differences between classic and video slots, classic slots have no or only a few bonus features and therefore are less complicated than the modern video slots packed with bonus features.
Difference Between Slots And Slats
On the other hand, video slots feature at least 5 reels or more and multiple paylines that can reach up to a 1,000 paylines. Video slots offer a huge variety of themes including animal, nature, mythology, sports, adventure, and several other themes, while this category also includes branded slots based on television shows or movies. Video slots are amongst the most popular due to their extensive variety of bonus features, which increase additional winning possibilities.